'My New Fitness Journey | Carrie Underwood\'s FIT52'

'My New Fitness Journey | Carrie Underwood\'s FIT52'
07:38 Jul 11, 2021
'It\'s time that I make a lifestyle change.  I have had my babies and having babies means having a few extra pounds (or in my case a lot of extra pounds) that need to come off.  As I was strolling the aisle at Target I saw Carrie Underwood\'s new book Find Your Path..In her book she shares stories of how she grew up, being on American Idol, touring around the world, but she also talks about her fitness journey.  She is very disciplined when it comes to her health and fitness.  She shares workouts, recipes and other tips and tricks on how she stays healthy.  Carrie\'s Book:  https://www.amazon.com/Find-Your-Path-Honor-Strong/dp/0062690914  #MyNewFitnessJourney #CarrieUnderwood #FIT52' 

Tags: fitness , healthy lifestyle , womens health , fitness journey , Carrie Underwood , carrie underwood workout , lifestyle change , find your path , carrie underwood diet , FIT52 , carrie underwoods book , fit52 life , carrie underwood fitness , carrie underwood diet and exercise , carrie underwood diet and workout , fit 52 , My New Fitness Journey , Carrie Underwood's FIT52 , carrie underwood find your path , carrie underwood diet plan , carrie underwood workout plan

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